By Barb Fisher

In my city, there are Houses of Treasures.  They may be thought of as museums, however, I would rather refer to them as Treasure Houses. The places are usually empty. I walk through the halls and peek into the rooms, only to find them full of treasures, yet lacking in explorers.
The music room is filled with melodic reviews of orchestra participants, entertainers, instrumentalists, singers, and worshippers. You will experience the harmonious sound of gifted artists laid aside to make room for another generation.

To walk into the Military room is to do so with awe and gratitude for those who fought to protect the people in our country. Wars and battles are retold with both pride and sorrow.  The experiences of a soldier, a medic, or an officer reveal the true meaning of sacrifice. When you exit this room, what you encountered will leave you richer than when you entered. The treasures found there are beyond value.

Then there is the Spiritual room. Sermons preached, souls reached, healings manifested, lovers of Jesus, persistent faith, revelations, and so much more. The wealth found in this room far exceeds any fortune one may think they have gained. Be careful entering this room, for when you leave, you may find yourself lost and unsure of who you thought you were. You will most likely become a seeker of a new identity formed by the bounty attained.

The Humorous room is a “must see.” Especially for those who are so intense in their pursuit of purpose. It is amazing to behold how one has learned to participate in the joy of the Lord, when reason has determined that unhappiness should be their portion. Laughter flows out of the doors and into the hallways. Joy is poured out of the windows as the room fills with unending delight.

For those young couples raising a family, upon entering the house, it would behoove you to go straight to the Parenting room. This space is filled with unending parenting advice. The mistakes and the victories are presented for the purpose of arming parents with what they need to train their children in the “way that they should go.”

The Foreigner room is a weighty room. You cannot help but feel the darkness and loneliness as it overtakes you, but I would advise that you do not choose to walk by this room. It may be more silent than the others, however if you gaze below the surface, what you find are buried treasures. To methodically uncover those gems takes time, however, it will be worth it to you and will change the atmosphere in that dark space.

Finally, the most valuable room of all is the Wisdom room. All of the rooms contain wisdom, but the wise exhibitions in this room are without measure. You will not only leave wealthier, but you will have riches to give and you will want to return to fill up again.

It is perplexing to me that so many avoid visiting these Treasure Houses. I can’t understand the reason behind the empty rooms and hallways. Perhaps people don’t know the significance of spending time there, or maybe they are just too busy.

Searching for Treasure Houses in your city will result in a bountiful find.  I would recommend to the readers to go on a treasure hunt, you won’t be disappointed.  These houses can be found in your local convalescent homes, childhood dwellings, churches, city streets, almost anywhere. You will recognize them by the residents, for their faces are etched with wrinkles, and their hair is grey. They walk slowly, and appear to be feeble and weak. Among them are retired preachers, veterans, parents, grandparents, musicians, worshipers of Jesus, lost souls, teachers, and more.

Job 12:12  “Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long-life bring understanding?” (NIV)
Psalm 71:18 “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.” (NIV) The older generation has been called by God to declare His power and mighty acts to those who are younger. Connecting to the elderly in our midst will bring forth the necessary keys for the seasonable advancement of the Kingdom of God. As long as we neglect the value of those who went before us, there will be a missing link vital to Holy Spirit’s movement in our cities. They have battle stories to tell and tried and true strategies to share. Take time and listen. You will be a wealthier person because you did, and the Body of Christ will become more complete. Happy exploring!
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