Guest Speaker

Dale Mast on  March 23rd,  2025

Guest Speaker-Dale Mast


The Tipping Point

God is moving in unprecedented ways, and the question is: Will we recognize it? From record-breaking Bible sales to mass baptisms on college campuses, revival is stirring! But history shows that moves of God require boldness. In this sermon, Pastor James Epperly unpacks the significance of stepping out in faith, being bold in our witness, and refusing to let fear hold us back. Just like Peter and John in the book of Acts, our boldness precedes miracles!  God has set before you an open door—don’t miss it!

There is Power in Community

There is great power in unity and agreement. Two are better than one!

The Master Key to God’s Favor

What if I told you there’s ONE thing that can unlock every blessing in your life? The Bible calls it the principle thing—WISDOM! In today’s message, Pastor James uncovers why wisdom is the master key to God’s favor, success, and divine direction. This could change everything!

Ready and Waiting 

 Description Discover the heart of God’s House in Luke 15! In this message, we shift focus from the prodigal son to the Father's House—a place of unconditional welcome and mercy. Learn how God creates an atmosphere of return and why a spirit of return is essential for our church. Join us as we explore Luke 15:13-20 and embrace the call: “This is God’s House!”

The Fire Must Not Go Out – Living with Passion for God!

 Join us as we dive into Leviticus 6:9 and explore how to keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in our hearts. In this powerful sermon, we uncover: The importance of daily spiritual renewal , how to remove distractions and stay on fire for God , the power of the baptism of the Holy Spirit  and why faith and prophetic words matter.

Meet Me in Galilee

 Have you ever felt like you've failed God? Like you’ve strayed too far to ever return? In this powerful message from Pastor James Epperly, "Meet Me in Galilee," we dive into Jesus’ invitation to His disciples—even after their greatest failure. Discover how restoration is possible no matter how far you've fallen. Learn why Jesus calls us to circle back to where it all began and how His love never gives up on us. If you need a fresh start, this message is for you!

Let the River Run

This sermon is a passionate call for believers to stop living a “manual,” self-directed faith and instead fully surrender to God’s “supernatural” leading. It is a challenge to abandon shallow or partial involvement in spiritual things, step beyond comfort zones, and let the “river run.” 

What Do You See?

Discover the power of God's favor in this inspiring message from John 2:1-11, where Jesus performed His first miracle at the wedding in Cana. Learn how to align with God, expect His blessings, and proclaim favor over every area of your life. Get ready for uncommon opportunities, restoration, and divine connections in 2025!

Ready Your Chariots

 In this powerful sermon based on 1 Kings 18, we explore how Elijah's unwavering faith broke the spirit of Baal and restored God's favor over Israel. Drawing parallels to today's world, Pastor James emphasizes the importance of forecasting God's favor in every area of our lives—family, finances, health, and opportunities. With personal testimonies, declarations of faith, and a call to realignment with God's Word, this message inspires us to embrace 2025 as a year of restoration, freedom, and divine breakthrough. Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or a fresh start, this sermon reminds us that God’s blessings are on the horizon—let’s get ready for another miracle!

Uncommon Favor

In this inspiring sermon, Pastor James Epperly unpacks the promises of Isaiah 61:1-3, declaring "The Year of the Lord’s Favor" over every area of our lives. This message highlights how God’s favor brings restoration, healing, and breakthrough, even in the midst of challenging seasons. If you’re seeking a fresh start, this sermon will inspire you to trust God, move forward, and boldly declare His favor in 2025!

Take It Back: Unlocking Victory Through Obedience

In this empowering message, we confront the spiritual thief who seeks to rob us of God’s blessings and explore how obedience, prayer, and fasting unlock divine restoration and protection. Drawing from powerful biblical examples like Noah, Esther, and Daniel, we learn how responding to God’s word in a specific season can change the course of our lives and others’. Discover how aligning with God’s will through submission and faith opens doors to His blessings, peace, and victory over the enemy. Join us as we prepare for a purposeful season of seeking God and reclaiming all that the enemy has stolen.

Watch Party

 James Epperly on December 29th ,  2024

What Jesus Brings

 Discover the five incredible gifts that Jesus brings to us at Christmas, as revealed in Isaiah 9. From light in the darkness to joy in despair, freedom from oppression, heaven to earth, and the fulfillment of God's promises, this message from Pastor James explores the profound meaning of Christ's coming. Join us as we reflect on the hope, peace, and joy available to everyone through Jesus. Don't miss this inspiring reminder of God's love this holiday season!

When It’s Hard to Obey

 I never thought this would happen ... I have no idea what to do next." Have you ever had a moment like that? You’re face to face with a choice that feels bigger than you, and how you respond might change your life. How do you know what to do? Together, let’s learn how to turn unexpected moments into Holy Moments.

Running on Empty: Finding Renewal in God's Presence  

 Have you ever attempted to navigate life without God? It’s anything but easy. Living without the God who upholds everything can lead to weariness, a sense of emptiness, and a diminished sense of vitality. Regularly experiencing a fresh encounter with God is essential for staying spiritually attuned and maintaining a deep connection with the Holy Spirit. Join us as Pastor James shares practical insights on how to cultivate these transformative encounters with God

Hollow Days: Confronting The Thief 

 Do you feel like the holiday season leaves you more drained than fulfilled? In this powerful message, we confront the thief described in John 10:10 who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy the abundant life God intends for us. Discover how to take back what has been stolen from your life—your peace, purpose, joy, and blessings. In this sermon, we’ll explore: How to identify and confront the tactics of the enemy. The biblical promise of divine recovery and restoration. Stories of faith, including miraculous testimonies of God’s provision. How to shift from hollow holidays to meaningful celebrations. Don’t let the enemy rob you of the life Jesus died to give you. Learn how to stand in faith, declare divine recovery, and embrace the fullness of God's promises.