Slow Down

Danny Romick  on  July 21st,  2024

We need to do the one thing that is importante. God is longing to have deep comunión with us. We are so tide up to superficial things that we lose sight of what really is imprortant. In perspective, everything can wait, but there is one things that cannot and that is our time with God.


Here Comes Good News

Jesus is Good News! In this message from Pastor James Epperly highlights the importance of spreading the same message that John the Baptist preached long ago. Just as John proclaimed to the world that Jesus is Good News, we are called to do the same today. Jesus' message is one of redemption for all, and we are now entrusted with the task of sharing it with the world.

Cultivating the Desire to Share Your Faith

This message gives insight on how to maintain the desire to be a witness for Christ. It explains the importance of cultivating the two sides of the gospel. One side being the glorious gospel & all Jesus did for us through redemption. The other is the reality of the lostness of people without Christ.

Neighboring Well - Part 2

In this powerful message, we explore the parable of the Good Samaritan and its profound implications for our lives. We're challenged to examine which 'chair' we're sitting in - the villain, the victim, the bystander, or the good neighbor. As followers of Christ, we're called to occupy only one role: the good neighbor.

Neighboring Well

In this powerful message, we're reminded of the profound importance of loving our neighbors as ourselves. This isn't just a nice suggestion, but a core principle repeated throughout Scripture, from Leviticus to the Gospels and Epistles. We're challenged to see this command as the pattern of life in God's kingdom, contrasting sharply with the world's ways. It's a call to lift our neighborhoods through small acts of kindness and to recognize that proximity, not sameness, defines our neighbors.

I Declare A Drought

This message explores the power of pursuing God. Just as Elijah called for a drought to turn Israel back to God, we can declare a drought to 'dry up' the things in our lives that have pushed God to the back seat. By turning our focus back to God, we declare that we want God to be our priority again and to lead every aspect of our lives.

Believing Is Seeing

In this powerful message, we are reminded of the transformative power of our beliefs. The story of Jehoshaphat and his army facing overwhelming odds illustrates how believing in God's promises can lead to miraculous victories. We learn that the outcome of the battles we face in life is often determined not just by our circumstances, but by what we choose to believe about God and His power. Pastor James encourages us to put our faith in God above all else, worshipping Him even in the midst of life's challenges, knowing that He is our constant source of strength.

Better Under Pressure

Description It's a fact of life that pressure comes in many forms – whether it be from work, relationships, or our own expectations. By examining Hebrews 11, we can gain insights into how to handle these pressures, maneuver through them, and excel despite them.

Waiting For The Wind

In this message, Pastor James Epperly will be diving into the fullness of who the Holy Spirit is, and how we can be empowered by a new awareness of the Spirit of Christ within us.

Lessons From the Shunammite Woman

In this teaching we see four lessons in the story of the Shunammite woman that we should pay careful attention to and implement in our own lives.

Go and Win

Type your new text here.

What Time Is It?

Like the sons of Issachar, God would have us to understand the times with knowledge of what we should do as the people of God.

Strong Cities Can Fall: Living Free from Offense

It's so easy to get drawn into an offense and not realize the negative impact and the consequences it has on your life. Everyone feels offended at one point or another, but there are ways to not hold onto the offense. In this message, Pastor James shares how we can conquer the temptation to become offended.

Get Your Head In The Right Place

Pastor James shares crucial insights in 'Get Your Head In The Right Place,' offering essential tools to empower your soul and providing valuable guidance to assist us in facing the trials of life. Our prayer is that you gain tactics to enhance your mental strength, reinforce your spiritual core, and approach the future with trust and determination.

Life After The Cross

Have you ever considered if you are living your life as if Christ never sacrificed himself on the cross? The teachings of prosperity, healing, deliverance, and all that Jesus accomplished post-crucifixion are available to you. Pastor James Epperly discusses the misconceptions spread by religion and guides us on embracing the life offered in this updated covenant.

The Jesus Movement

Jesus' resurrection sparked a revolutionary movement that transformed the world. This event emboldened His disciples to spread the Gospel far and wide, despite facing immense persecution and opposition. The resurrection became the cornerstone of their teachings, and the modern church. To this day, the resurrection remains the central message, symbolizing the transformative power of faith and serving as a catalyst for a movement that continues to inspire and change the world. In this message, Pastor James will help unpack how we can also experience the power of the the Resurrection.

Good Friday 

There is great power in the blood of Jesus. All too often, the real value of the divine blood of Jesus has been ignored by the Christian world; but man's greatest connection to God is through the divine blood. Life-changing salvation only comes through the blood of Jesus. It not only affects our eternal salvation, but has so much power to transform a life for the here and now!